Friday, January 12, 2018

Snow Day

Two years ago we missed a week of school due to a winter storm of ice and snow. Last year we didn’t get a snowflake. I decided in December that a snow day was necessary this school year, and I would do whatever I needed to do to ensure that happened. In other words, I pretended I was seven years old  again and flushed ice cubes, wore my PJs inside out, and put a white crayon in my windowsill. 

I’m proud to say my efforts were not in vain. At 1130 on Thursday, the boys’ school system made a decision to close on Friday. At 2:30 post decided to close. We left school with a temp of 67 degrees and a hard time imagining we would awake to snow. 

We didn’t awake to snow, though, but to something even better when you are attempting to hunker down and avoid the real world - sleet! The snow began at lunch time. These boys couldn’t wait to get out and play a game of football in it.

We will be home again tomorrow. I will cook; the boys will play.

Love the snow days!

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