Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse of the Heart

We started our day with doughnuts to officially christen Keagan into teen hood. I'm still in a bit of shock that my baby is now a teenager.

Then it was time for the best part of any birthday: presents!

To top it off, Keagan got to celebrate his 13th birthday with the Great American Eclipse of 2017!

We spent our day hanging in the yard with my mom and my cousin's family awaiting totality.

We tried every trick we heard to view the various phases: colander, handtricks, pinhole projectors, and glasses. 

When the sun was three-quarters blocked, the cicadas started chirping and the frogs came out croaking - just like it was sunset!

The 360 degree sunrise/sunset was stunning!

The entire neighborhood cheered once we reached totality. It was spectacular! I totally understand the NPR reporter's use of the word giddy to explain the feeling of seeing a total eclipse. I first heard his report and thought he was ludicrous to suggest that the sun and moon could make me giddy, but I can concur that this is exactly how I felt.

The Great American Eclipse 2024? I'm there!

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