Monday, August 28, 2017

Liberty Cup

Fall soccer is in full swing even though we are technically still in summer. We were assigned a new coach and have three new players on our team. All of this month Keagan has questioned his new coach's decisions. He's been frustrated and just not very happy with the team. Until this weekend. Winning seems to always change your perspective. 

Even with a rolled ankle, a swollen foot, and lots of discomfort, Keagan was able to contribute big plays this weekend. 

 He has the heart of a lion and epitomizes the meaning of team captain, the role his teammates chose for him. 

When soccer falls on a Sunday and we are not able to make it to church, we attend Soccer Church. One of the parents leads the devotion and the parents and kids pray together in between games. We have met in conference rooms, hotel lobbies, and empty soccer fields. This week's lesson covered our MVP - most valuable possession.

Love this team, these boys, the parents, and the coach is growing on us!

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