Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Never Thought Losing Could be Fun Until Today

Because the weekend was such a strong start to a great spring break, I decided to continue the fun on into the week. Wes and I are big spenders, so on Monday Wes agreed to take the boys to an afternoon movie. When they got to the snack stand, the boys were able to get one small slushie. Like I said, we are big spenders!

On Tuesday, I took the day off and went with the boys and some friends of ours to play the Excape Games. We were 30 seconds short of escaping! ONLY 30 seconds! It was a complete bummer but never so much fun to lose.


Our weekend includes another trip to Knoxville. I won't kid myself into believing there will be any site seeing or tours of UT. I know the hotel bed will call my name and Evan and I will spend any free time watching March Madness and taking long, luxurious naps. This is exactly what I have decided spring break should be about.

Team Effort

Keagan made us promise we would not move until he had a chance to play middle school soccer with his brother and for Coach Jandro. His wish was my demand. Luckily, the Army complied.

Evan was named co-captain of the team, but I've been told that Keagan is quick to tell the eighth graders what to do and is considered the psuedo-captain. Together my two led practice tonight. Keagan became upset and impatient when the older boys couldn't finish a drill, so Evan had to take the role of the calm, patient one. I heard it for myself tonight,  or I would have never believed it. 


Game one is Monday which means it will certainly  storm and get rained out. Keagan will gnash his teeth and complain of having to wait to play his first full game. Evan will calmly explain he will get to still play,  and when Keagan leaves the room, he, too, will curse the rain. And so will I. I've waited three years for this!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

State League Soccer

Keagan and I kicked off his spring break in Knoxville playing soccer. We had grand plans to site see in between games and maybe even tour UT.


We played one game, had lunch, and both of us decided we needed a nap more than a tour of a college campus. So we headed to the hotel and took a three hour nap. While our friends were at the beach living up spring break, we were killin' it at the Hampton Inn.


We awoke just in time to watch March Madness. We had a late lunch, but at 8:00, we were ready for dinner. So in between basketball games, we went for a doughnut run. Who needs beachside gourmet meals when you can eat Dunkin' Doughnuts? We returned to the hotel just in time for game two. While our friends were swimming with dolphins, we were slaying our Saturday night in front of the tv. 


Sunday morning we awoke well-rested and ready to play game two. 

We won both games and moved into first place in the state standings.


It wasn't the beach, but I will take a weekend watching my guy play soccer any day!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

School Soccer


It happened last night at the long awaited season opening Jamboree. My boys worked together to score! Keagan got the goal; Evan had the assist. Thunder had a throw in that landed on the tips of Lightning's cleats. With one turn, Keagan tapped it past the goalie to score! It was perfection! We ended the three 20 min scrimmages with a win, a tie, and a loss. 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

It's No Fun to Lose

While Evan's AAU team is in St. Louis playing a nationally ranked basketball team out of Indianpolis, Keagan is playing basketball locally. I got lucky this weekend; I skip the four hour drive and sleep in my own bed!

But, Lawd, this basketball is so painful to watch. Poor Keagan is nothing but frustrated. He has been named the team captain for his positivty, but he can barely maintain his composure on the court. His team is just so bad. It's a real shame, too, because there is some real talent on the team.

We lost game one big with several of key players benched because of grades. We won game two against players that were predominately younger than us (thank goodness), and we lost game three against a really good team. It was a nail biter, but we came up short in the last few minutes of the game.

Keagan was completely bummed for such a bad start to the season, but I reminded him it was better than last year's start and the 40 point losses we had in Franklin. That didn't do much to pick up the mood, so we ate icecream and called it a day.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It's Almost That Time

I've been waiting for this day for three years. For three years, I've waited to see Thunder and Lightning take the field together again. They haven't played together since we left Georgia.


One week from today, my wish will have come true, and my two guys will be playing soccer together again. Thunder is sure to use his size to intimidate the other team and use his brute force to keep the ball from advancing. Lightning will use his speed and agility to move the ball forward and develop scoring opportunities. 
Middle school soccer kicks off in less than a week, and I. Can't. Wait!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

All Star Game





The TN KY All Star basketball game was this weekend. Evan's red team lost, but he had a great first half and scored a total of 12 points. Best of all, though, he made his first dunk during warm-ups! 

My parents came in to see the game and Keagan's soccer game, and they got tasked with helping Keagan make an aspis for history class. 


Keagan had a great game playing left back, but the team lost its first state league game of the spring season 1-3. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

All-Star Media Day


Today was the middle school basketball all star media day. I was worried how Evan might respond and really thought there was a good chance the questions would be answered in one syllable responses like "good." But Evan nailed it! 


He played a little ball, took part in an informational session on playing sports in college, completed an interview, and took photos. It was a great afternoon for student athletes. Next Saturday we get to watch them play in the All-star game!