Sunday, March 26, 2017

State League Soccer

Keagan and I kicked off his spring break in Knoxville playing soccer. We had grand plans to site see in between games and maybe even tour UT.


We played one game, had lunch, and both of us decided we needed a nap more than a tour of a college campus. So we headed to the hotel and took a three hour nap. While our friends were at the beach living up spring break, we were killin' it at the Hampton Inn.


We awoke just in time to watch March Madness. We had a late lunch, but at 8:00, we were ready for dinner. So in between basketball games, we went for a doughnut run. Who needs beachside gourmet meals when you can eat Dunkin' Doughnuts? We returned to the hotel just in time for game two. While our friends were swimming with dolphins, we were slaying our Saturday night in front of the tv. 


Sunday morning we awoke well-rested and ready to play game two. 

We won both games and moved into first place in the state standings.


It wasn't the beach, but I will take a weekend watching my guy play soccer any day!

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