Friday, April 1, 2016

Spring Break

The boys are ending their spring break today. According to them, it was the best week ever. The boys were content sleeping until 9:00, playing endless pick up games in the driveway, and having Nerf Wars in the house, something I never allow if I'm at home because, well, it's loud, really loud. So the boys were happy with going no where as long as I brought home a treat every day after work. I saved thousands of dollarsthis stay-cation buying only a couple of Frostys, blizzards, pizzas, and burgers.

Friday Keagan went with a friend to see The Bodies exhibit at a local museum. He wasn't thrilled with giving up sleep and basketball for an educational trip, but I thought for sure he and his brother would have had enough of each other by Friday, so I made him go (and I gave him $10 for the gift shop). I'm glad I did, too, because this kid hasn't stopped talking about kidney stones, grizzly bears, and arrowheads since he got back. 

He can also articulate how the Tennessee terrain changed as a result of two earthquakes.

I almost said "I told you so." 

Of course, he loved exploring the creek, too, and he tried to explain how the trees along the creek proved the earthquake was quite damaging, but I was busy taking those pizzas out of the box and only heard pieces of that part of the trip. 

And he got to sleep some after all. 

He bought arrowheads at the gift shop and was so excited to show them to me. I asked where they were found (assuming locally since he had seen thousands on display), and he said, "I don't know..maybe around?...and stuff." I suggested he read the information on the box, and he suddenly exclaimed, "Mexico!!! I got ripped off! Mexicans didn't use arrowheads; they used machetes!"

My spring break starts NOW!

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