Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Building Character One Experience at a Time

Today was the third quarter's academic honors assembly at the elementary school. Of all of the days/week/times, I am so glad that I was able to attend this one. Keagan was awarded honor roll and the coveted Haller's Heroes for citizenship and showing good character. This makes three years in a row.

For the past two weeks I was worried to death that his teacher was holding a grudge against him after he told her the correct way to pronounce Versailles and fascism, in front of the entire class. I guess she forgave him, though, because she was thrilled that I was there to see him win the prize.

Just as I was forming the words to chew him out and debating the consequences for not meeting his quarterly reading goal, his name was announced for the citizenship award. I quickly forgot the reading award and made a mental note that good character means so much more than reading points. I decided to forgive him.

"Knowledge will give you power but character respect." - B. Lee

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