Saturday, April 2, 2016

Tell It Like it Is

Keagan played in another basketball tournament this weekend. Bless his heart! There's just no way around it; his team is just horrible.

They lost game one by almost fifty points. There was a lot of frustration on Keagan's part and a lot of this:

Even after losing by twenty and thirty points, he remained positive and encouraging. I was so proud of him for this. He has mastered losing gracefully, almost anyway. 

In the first game, he blocked a shot and the ref called a foul on him. Keagan questioned the call and told him it was all ball. At half time, the ref took him to the side for a "talk."

Keagan has become much more bold in the last six months. He tells it like it is and doesn't mince words. He told a friend last week that he "smelled like cat pee." He told our foster kid, "Boy, you are lying. You are going to hell for that." Another friend asked him to spend the night, and Keagan said, "No, no that's not going to happen. I've reached my limits with a twelve hour play date." On Friday, I had to tell him that you can be honest and truthful without being hurtful. He told me, "I don't want to hurt anyone; I just want people to know where I stand."

I wonder where he gets that from.

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