Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Livin' the Dream

Ever since the boys were about five and seven, they have had a system for playing backyard football. They pick a team (using helmets), pick players (using trading cards), and keep score using a timer/scoreboard combo that was given as a Christmas gift several years ago. I don't understand all of the nuances of their system, but I do know that helmets, trading cards, and brackets all serve important roles. They can spend hours completing a season, and they develop new seasons only if they know they have blocks of time to complete it. So I'm certain when they learned they had an entire week of spring break at home with no interruption, they began planning their next season.

I came home from work all of this week to find football helmets neatly lined up in the living room,

outlines of brackets and seasons stuffed in various corners of the lawn furniture,

and the floors of the bedrooms serving as displays for basketball cards. You better not mix them up or step on them until the season is over. Don't even think about trying to vacuum. 

No doubt! They are livin' the dream this spring break playing football in the backyard and basketball in the front. I am blessed that they have common interests and can entertain themselves all week with something besides video games. 

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