Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Digital Age

Tonight Keagan and I read a book about the life of George Washington. The book was quite dated and referenced card catalogues and encyclopedias. Keagan asked me if I used a card catalogue when I was in school and I told him I did. He seemed impressed that there was a card for every book in the library. 

For the second time in maybe two weeks time I also tried to explain the use of an encyclopedia. Then he asked how a book (an encyclopedia) could hold all of the information in the world. I tried to explain it was a set of books organized alphabetically, and when he still looked at me with a perplexed look on his face, I assured him I would show him the set at Oma's house the next time we are in Texas. He then said, "Are you trying to tell me an encyclopedia is a mini-Google?" 

"Yes! I explained excitedly! That's it!"

"Well, tell Oma to keep those encyclopedia books close because her internet never works."

Good Morning

We woke up to our first snow of the season. 

Keagan couldn't wait to get outside! At 0745 he had on all of his gear. 

It was melted within an hour. Fingers crossed. We need a snow day in our near future. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The World Needs More People Like Him

Today was Awards Day at school. In addition to making honor roll, Keagan was also awarded Haller's Hero. We are immensely proud of his academic achievements, but we are even more proud of the positive example he sets for others! 

Congratulations, Keagan! Your tender heart and the empathy you have for others make the world a better place! We are blessed to be a part of it.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Indoor Champs

Evan spent all weekend on the courts playing indoor soccer. Although we prefer the big field and the outdoors to playing in a small gym indoors, it was still lots of fun. Evan's team won first place.

The only true excitement was this game when we played a group of boys from our own league. There was a minor scuffle on the sideline when Evan stole the ball from a frustrated player, and the opposing team's player threw a punch at Evan's face. He missed and thankfully, Evan didn't punch back. For a second, I thought we might be watching a hockey game.

Day two had Evan playing on a team comprised of local boys who play for various age groups and teams. Evan played two years up in a U14 bracket with a couple of guys that will be on the middle school team. We were finalists in that tournament.

After game three, Evan said, "Mom, I know I'm not the best one on the team today, but for playing two years up, I think I'm doing alright. What do you think?" It took all I had to not hug him and give him a great big kiss; he did more than alright. 

Next weekend it will be Keagan's turn. Whatever would we do without sporting events to fill our time?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Rebounding with a Win

We wrapped up the winter basketball season today and we won! The final score was 36 to 13, and Keagan had four rebounds! I love that stat more than points scored because he is always the shortest kid on the court.

I was feeling a huge wave of relief to finally be down to only one sport when his coach stopped us after the game and invited Keagan to play AAU this spring. 

And of course we said yes!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Taking the Weekend Off

Wes and I had our every-four-years-date night on Saturday night. Two months ago I bought us concert tickets; I had no idea at the time that Keagan would have double header basketball games beginning at 6:30 or that Evan would be playing in a soccer tournament beginning at 5:20. We could have sold the tickets and gone to the games, but we did that last year and ended up missing a great concert and watching our team get stomped in soccer. Needless to say, we regretted that decision.
So we found a babysitter that could drive, attended the concert, and tried not to feel so badly about missing a couple of games. 

Evan had a hat trick in one game. Keagan won both of his games and got a three pointer. 

I can only draw one conclusion. I think we need to attend more concerts.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Underdogs

Keagan's basketball season has consisted of a lot of losses and only one win. In fact, every loss has been by more than twenty points. That happens, though, when the majority of the team is in fifth grade playing against sixth and seventh graders. I think the game two weeks ago had an eighth grader. I could get really frustrated and maybe even mad with all of these big losses, but my fourth grader is playing against boys with facial hair. The disparity in size and height is really laughable.

But what this team might lack in height and size, is nothing compared to their heart and their love for the game. Each week these boys go out hoping against all odds that they might win, and then they still play an aggressive game when they are fifteen or even twenty points behind.

Tonight's game was no exception. Keagan played a fierce defensive game full of grit and determination, and he gave the older boys a run for their money. We are so proud of him!