Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Underdogs

Keagan's basketball season has consisted of a lot of losses and only one win. In fact, every loss has been by more than twenty points. That happens, though, when the majority of the team is in fifth grade playing against sixth and seventh graders. I think the game two weeks ago had an eighth grader. I could get really frustrated and maybe even mad with all of these big losses, but my fourth grader is playing against boys with facial hair. The disparity in size and height is really laughable.

But what this team might lack in height and size, is nothing compared to their heart and their love for the game. Each week these boys go out hoping against all odds that they might win, and then they still play an aggressive game when they are fifteen or even twenty points behind.

Tonight's game was no exception. Keagan played a fierce defensive game full of grit and determination, and he gave the older boys a run for their money. We are so proud of him!

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