Sunday, January 11, 2015

Taking the Weekend Off

Wes and I had our every-four-years-date night on Saturday night. Two months ago I bought us concert tickets; I had no idea at the time that Keagan would have double header basketball games beginning at 6:30 or that Evan would be playing in a soccer tournament beginning at 5:20. We could have sold the tickets and gone to the games, but we did that last year and ended up missing a great concert and watching our team get stomped in soccer. Needless to say, we regretted that decision.
So we found a babysitter that could drive, attended the concert, and tried not to feel so badly about missing a couple of games. 

Evan had a hat trick in one game. Keagan won both of his games and got a three pointer. 

I can only draw one conclusion. I think we need to attend more concerts.


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