Sunday, October 26, 2014

Winner, Winner Italian Ice for Dinner

We played eight games this weekend and won them all. We haven't won this many games all season, much less in one weekend. 

Evan's team won first place in this weekend's soccer tournament, too. 

That's my son standing with the coaches. Yep, he's really that tall. Yes, he eats 'normal' food, and yes, I know he looks 15 instead of 11. 

Funny story. A couple of weeks ago the dads took the boys to a sports bar in between games to watch football and grab a bite to eat. Evan was bent over his menu trying to decide what to order, when the waitress asked, "And can I get a beer for you today, too?" Evan looked up. She gasped, and he said, "Sure. I'll take a root beer."

Both boys are coming home today as champions! 

A weekend filled with sports, wins, and beautiful weather? Perfection! We celebrated with Italian ice. 

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