Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I'm a Robot

Nothing says Fall Break Fun like a visit to the doctor. Today Keagan visited the cardiologist for an EKG and evaluation for a heart murmur. We've only been advised every summer to have it done, and I have put it off because everyone I know that has had one is still living. I also like to think that I'm doing my country a service by spending their/my tax dollars wisely. The pediatrician thought otherwise and so I made the appointment. It took us just under four months to be seen.

Keagan was just relieved he got to keep his pants on. All of the wires and the ultrasound wand were kind of cool, too.

As it turns out, Keagan is completely healthy. In fact, the doctor commented that his pulse rates mimic those of a well-conditioned professional athlete. 
There's no telling how much of your tax dollars were spent on this analysis. On the up side, Keagan received a great health lesson on the working heart.

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