Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Day in Nature

We spent our morning at Lookout Mountain and did our best to see it all done before the rain started. Rock City was by far our favorite spot on the mountain. We arrived so early in the morning that we were the only ones in the park. It was quiet, uncrowded, and just beautiful.

My mom wasn't so sure rock formations would hold the boys' interests, but there's magic in imagining you're fighting garden gnomes around every corner or when you spit just to hear the sound it makes when it splatters against a rock wall. I'm so proud.

After a short walk, we made it to Lover's Leap. The waterfall was beautiful, but the clouds were too low for us to see anything, much less the seven states promised to us in the brochure. It didn't matter to us. As I might have mentioned, we loved this place even without the view!

We also stopped to see Ruby Falls. I'm not going to lie. Falling 260 feet into the depths of the Earth is a little unnerving - especially when your older son points out the cracks in the ceilings and questions the sturdiness of the cave tunnels. 

Next up is nap time. I may have tween boys, but they require as much sleep today as they did as toddlers. It will be much easier to break the news that our hotel does not have NFL Sunday ticket when everyone is well-rested. 

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