Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day

We were hoping all weekend we would get just enough ice that schools would be closed. I think we must have wished a little too hard. We got two inches of ice pellets and sleet and then two inches of snow on top of that. This morning we hunted high and low for snow gear so the boys could go sledding. After half an hour of coaxing, Evan ended up wearing my ski pants and snow boots.  He wasn't too thrilled with wearing "Lady Boots."

They finally made it outside and in the snow, and within five minutes, Evan lost his sled on the pond. Wes created a contraption that would allow him to retrieve it without walking on the ice and the boys were back in business.

But the fun was short lived. The cold was too much for my Southern boys. They later attempted a Nerf War and decided the ice made running from the enemy too difficult.

We have another snow day tomorrow. With my "Lady Boots" spoken for, I'll be spending my day indoors. I've got a bet or two going on a game of pool. Someone else is going to be cleaning toilets tomorrow afternoon.

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