Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cheers, Fights and Losses

AAU basketball tournament number two was this weekend. I will cheer like no other and readily admit that I am loud while cheering on my boys, but I had nothing on the moms from Memphis. I draw a line at organized cheers and pom-poms.

On another note, I've never been more scared while watching a sporting event than I was this weekend. Those Memphis moms can cheer and fight. When a fight broke out in the stands over a foul in the paint, it took all of my self-control to not run and hide.

Evan had an awesome game against Memphis, though. He scored 11 points and helped lead his team to a victory.
Evan heads down court for a lay up.

Evan makes his lay up.

Just a few seconds later he makes his jump shot.

And another.

The win against Memphis secured a spot in the championship game, but the boys weren't able to win first. This is what second place looks like....

Next time, Boys!

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