Sunday, February 16, 2014

Another Medal to Add to the Collection

We spent the afternoon at another indoor soccer tournament. Keagan's team won 5 to 2, 2 to 0, and then 4 to 2. Three wins meant we were headed to the championship game. We ended the final game with a tie of 3 to 3. We went to penalty kicks and lost by one goal. Keagan came home with a medal, but the finalist medal just doesn't mean as much as the champion medal.

It's good to lose sometimes, said this soccer mom never. 

To make matters worse, I wore my new Soccer Mom shirt, and because of today's loss I just don't know if I can take the risk of it jinxing any future wins by wearing it again. It's a shame, too, because it is just so stinkin' cute.

Just as well, because Wes told me he wouldn't sit next to me if I wore it, and true to his word, he moved to the far set of bleachers as far away from me as he could when Fusion took the turf and I stood up in the stands in full soccer mom glory.  

I say if he can get over my loud mouth and all of my cheering then surely he can get over a cute shirt. 

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