Wednesday, February 12, 2014

He Said It

Keagan: "Mom, I read a book today at school. Can you add it to my reading log?"

Me: "Oh, yeah? What was it?

Keagan: "Pissed."

Me: "What was that?"

Keagan: "Pissed! Like when you have a secret to say."

As it turns out, Keagan had selected the book "PSSTT!!" For the record, he was pissed when I had to ask a third time the name of the book.

Me: "Evan, we all know what Keagan wants to drive when he's 16. What do you want to drive?"

Evan: "I don't really care what I drive as long it gets me home from football practice."

Half an hour later Evan comes back to me and says, "You know that whole car thing. Well, I do care a little bit. I'll drive anything but a Ford Prius. Because it's so small I think it would really hurt my knees to have to sit in that thing."

What two conversations could summarize my boys and their personalities any better than that?

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