Saturday, February 8, 2014


This weekend contained so much soccer excitement, so many last minute goals, such gut wrenching tension and cheers of victory that I just don't know if I can do another series of tournaments any time soon.

This morning Keagan's team played 4v4 in an indoor tournament and won first place.

The greatest memory of the morning games was Keagan's performance in the last game. He played with so much intensity and heart! It was surely his very best game with a little spooner that went over the head of the goalie that changed the momentum of the championship game.

The afternoon was spent cheering on Evan's team in an indoor turf tournament. They also won first place.

Evan plays to win, never gives up, and can also be relied upon to give one hundred percent. Today was no exception. He played wing and ran so much up and down the field, that I am certain he ran the distance of a half marathon.

We were up before the sun, we drove across snow slick roads to get to Nashville and then we sat in metal bleachers for twelve hours watching the games, but it makes the hardship worth it to return home as champions.

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