Sunday, February 16, 2014

Another Medal to Add to the Collection

We spent the afternoon at another indoor soccer tournament. Keagan's team won 5 to 2, 2 to 0, and then 4 to 2. Three wins meant we were headed to the championship game. We ended the final game with a tie of 3 to 3. We went to penalty kicks and lost by one goal. Keagan came home with a medal, but the finalist medal just doesn't mean as much as the champion medal.

It's good to lose sometimes, said this soccer mom never. 

To make matters worse, I wore my new Soccer Mom shirt, and because of today's loss I just don't know if I can take the risk of it jinxing any future wins by wearing it again. It's a shame, too, because it is just so stinkin' cute.

Just as well, because Wes told me he wouldn't sit next to me if I wore it, and true to his word, he moved to the far set of bleachers as far away from me as he could when Fusion took the turf and I stood up in the stands in full soccer mom glory.  

I say if he can get over my loud mouth and all of my cheering then surely he can get over a cute shirt. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

For the Love of the Game and Chocolate Chip Cookies

We went to the A&M / Vandy basketball game today. After a five minute overtime, Vandy came out on top. This makes the second Vandy game we have seen, and they have miraculously won in both instances.

I told Evan he needed to really consider playing college ball at Vandy because we bring a special aura and a number to the W column every time we visit the campus. Evan replied, "Of course it's on my list, Mom! You know I can't be too far away from your chocolate chip cookies."

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

He Said It

Keagan: "Mom, I read a book today at school. Can you add it to my reading log?"

Me: "Oh, yeah? What was it?

Keagan: "Pissed."

Me: "What was that?"

Keagan: "Pissed! Like when you have a secret to say."

As it turns out, Keagan had selected the book "PSSTT!!" For the record, he was pissed when I had to ask a third time the name of the book.

Me: "Evan, we all know what Keagan wants to drive when he's 16. What do you want to drive?"

Evan: "I don't really care what I drive as long it gets me home from football practice."

Half an hour later Evan comes back to me and says, "You know that whole car thing. Well, I do care a little bit. I'll drive anything but a Ford Prius. Because it's so small I think it would really hurt my knees to have to sit in that thing."

What two conversations could summarize my boys and their personalities any better than that?

Saturday, February 8, 2014


This weekend contained so much soccer excitement, so many last minute goals, such gut wrenching tension and cheers of victory that I just don't know if I can do another series of tournaments any time soon.

This morning Keagan's team played 4v4 in an indoor tournament and won first place.

The greatest memory of the morning games was Keagan's performance in the last game. He played with so much intensity and heart! It was surely his very best game with a little spooner that went over the head of the goalie that changed the momentum of the championship game.

The afternoon was spent cheering on Evan's team in an indoor turf tournament. They also won first place.

Evan plays to win, never gives up, and can also be relied upon to give one hundred percent. Today was no exception. He played wing and ran so much up and down the field, that I am certain he ran the distance of a half marathon.

We were up before the sun, we drove across snow slick roads to get to Nashville and then we sat in metal bleachers for twelve hours watching the games, but it makes the hardship worth it to return home as champions.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Winning Seasons

We celebrated the end of a wonderful basketball season with dinner and a magic show. First up - the only team that lost the first two games of the season and then won every game after that by double digits.

Next, the boys whose mothers hail from the same hometown in the great state of Texas.

 The Rocky Toppers celebrated a perfect season.

And to think four short years ago I tried to dissuade Evan from playing basketball. Three years ago we finally purchased a basketball goal thinking it might be used for one season. Today we have indoor and outdoor goals, and we have gone through dozens of basketballs - literally. I have even learned to tolerate the repetitive and annoying sound of a bouncing basketball. My boys can not possibly take up any more sports; all of the seasons are taken!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

He Went Bogus on Me

Today was the last game of the basketball season, and Keagan woke up and told me, "Mama, I'm going bogus at today's game." Keagan's team won 16 to 6 and he scored 10 points. I think bogus has been redefined.

He told me last night he had one wish in life. "Mama, I just want to see Kevin Durant play. I mean, watch him play live." I guess that college game I took him to see last night just didn't have the WOW factor he is looking for. Now I am on a mission to make sure my younger son's one dream in life comes true.

Evan, on the other hand, ate his fill of pigs-in-a-blanket this morning and walked onto the court without a word of the upcoming game. His team won 25 to 13 and he scored 13 points. After the game, he mentioned, "Mom, if you could find a travel basketball team, I think I might like to play."

Just when I thought things were going to slow down for a bit, but who am I to say no?

We celebrate the undefeated season next week.