Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Super Smart

Second Quarter Awards Day:

All A Honor Roll, Reading Award, and Perfect Attendance. He has worked really hard to keep his grades above 93% because here in TN, anything below 93 is a B.

Now if I could just persuade him to cut that hair.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Big Brother Does it Too

Second Quarter Awards Day:

All A Honor Roll, PE, and Perfect Attendance. He's had as many teacher changes this year as changes in pant sizes. That's a lot of changes and yet he has maintained academic excellence. Let's hope the teacher in place and his jean size don't change again until summer. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Business

The bracelet making business, otherwise known as EK's, is booming. The boys have made $15 this week. This has led to requests to establish franchises, the suggestion that business partners might be needed, and the need to learn new bracelet designs. On any given night we have order forms, looms, rubber bands, and kindles playing how-to-youtube videos strewn across the kitchen counter. The clutter is driving me crazy!

But the boys have learned valuable lessons about supply/demand, profit, and advertisement. So when Keagan came home with a one dollar bill, I assumed he had sold another bracelet. Instead. I got this story.

"Remember Dumpster Diving Girl? The girl that went dumpster diving and brought me that Fossil wallet? Well, she went diving again, and this time she came up with a one dollar bill - A CLEAN one dollar bill."

"Keagan, don't you think you should give her something in exchange for the money. I mean, otherwise, it's like she is buying your friendship."

"She doesn't want a bracelet or else she would have ordered it. If she's buying friendship, then I'm selling."

I think we need to revisit the idea of entrepreneurship.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Another Medal to Add to the Collection

It's super fast paced, exciting, and always leaves me wanting more. Indoor soccer is here.

The first, and only, 3v3 winter tournament, and Evan's soccer team was a finalist. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's Time to Join the Circus

Evan's Rocky Toppers basketball team won their sixth game today making them the only undefeated team in the league. 

I think they won today's game 16 to 9, and I am pretty sure Evan scored seven points and had two assists. I got distracted when the parent in front of me from the opposing team asked if she could see Evan's birth certificate. I mean, that joke is just so old and I wanted to tell her so but thought better of it and of course there was the grandfather that asked me, "Is the big 'un your son?" Um, yes, #7 is mine. And then the other parent who looked at Wes and I standing against the wall, then looked at Evan, and said, "Well, his mom is tall." This is how it is every week. Seriously. I sometimes feel like we need to join a traveling circus and become the freak show.

After today's basketball team, Evan headed to the city for an indoor soccer tournament. His team didn't fare well and ended up with third place. I'm taking complete fault for the loss. My winning advice is clearly what the team lacked. If we haven't found the circus next weekend, then I'll be on the sidelines of next weekend's games armed with all the advice the boys can handle.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

At It Again

Keagan wore his NBA headband and his two black sleeves to today's basketball game and not one white person made fun of him. He played at the top of his game, too, so maybe there is something to those ten dollar sleeves. I really don't know how to explain his love for the sport. It surpasses any passion he has had for t-ball, soccer, or football. 

Today he scored 10 of our 16 points. Two of the shots were taken on the outside. I can't believe I actually got this one on camera. After the win, the opposing coach asked him if his last name was James. Keagan thought that was the coolest compliment ever. 

I'm still in shock that Keagan got placed on a team with two boys from his soccer team and another boy that I learned on the first night of practice has a mother than hails from the great Texas town of Mt. Pleasant. The Army brought both of our families to Tennessee and living in houses only one street apart!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Farewell Belize

A full week with no television would cause problems for some, but for my boys it meant lots and lots of football.

Football on the beach. Football in the pool. Enough football that one guest asked us if the boys did anything but play football, and Wes told her the boys put the football down long enough to play basketball.

We are soaking up the last few rays of sunshine before we head back to 'Ole Man Winter. The forecast says we will wake up to snow on Thursday morning.

It has been a wonderful trip filled with adventure, quiet, and much needed warm weather. We are all looking forward to watching a football game on TV, sleeping in a bed that doesn't have sand in it, and eating red meat, though, when we get home.