Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Business

The bracelet making business, otherwise known as EK's, is booming. The boys have made $15 this week. This has led to requests to establish franchises, the suggestion that business partners might be needed, and the need to learn new bracelet designs. On any given night we have order forms, looms, rubber bands, and kindles playing how-to-youtube videos strewn across the kitchen counter. The clutter is driving me crazy!

But the boys have learned valuable lessons about supply/demand, profit, and advertisement. So when Keagan came home with a one dollar bill, I assumed he had sold another bracelet. Instead. I got this story.

"Remember Dumpster Diving Girl? The girl that went dumpster diving and brought me that Fossil wallet? Well, she went diving again, and this time she came up with a one dollar bill - A CLEAN one dollar bill."

"Keagan, don't you think you should give her something in exchange for the money. I mean, otherwise, it's like she is buying your friendship."

"She doesn't want a bracelet or else she would have ordered it. If she's buying friendship, then I'm selling."

I think we need to revisit the idea of entrepreneurship.

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