Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's Time to Join the Circus

Evan's Rocky Toppers basketball team won their sixth game today making them the only undefeated team in the league. 

I think they won today's game 16 to 9, and I am pretty sure Evan scored seven points and had two assists. I got distracted when the parent in front of me from the opposing team asked if she could see Evan's birth certificate. I mean, that joke is just so old and I wanted to tell her so but thought better of it and of course there was the grandfather that asked me, "Is the big 'un your son?" Um, yes, #7 is mine. And then the other parent who looked at Wes and I standing against the wall, then looked at Evan, and said, "Well, his mom is tall." This is how it is every week. Seriously. I sometimes feel like we need to join a traveling circus and become the freak show.

After today's basketball team, Evan headed to the city for an indoor soccer tournament. His team didn't fare well and ended up with third place. I'm taking complete fault for the loss. My winning advice is clearly what the team lacked. If we haven't found the circus next weekend, then I'll be on the sidelines of next weekend's games armed with all the advice the boys can handle.

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