Saturday, January 11, 2014

At It Again

Keagan wore his NBA headband and his two black sleeves to today's basketball game and not one white person made fun of him. He played at the top of his game, too, so maybe there is something to those ten dollar sleeves. I really don't know how to explain his love for the sport. It surpasses any passion he has had for t-ball, soccer, or football. 

Today he scored 10 of our 16 points. Two of the shots were taken on the outside. I can't believe I actually got this one on camera. After the win, the opposing coach asked him if his last name was James. Keagan thought that was the coolest compliment ever. 

I'm still in shock that Keagan got placed on a team with two boys from his soccer team and another boy that I learned on the first night of practice has a mother than hails from the great Texas town of Mt. Pleasant. The Army brought both of our families to Tennessee and living in houses only one street apart!

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