Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Holiday

This year we spent Thanksgiving in Texas. It was everything a Thanksgiving should be filled with family, food, and football.

We especially enjoyed our time with the little ones. A visit wouldn't be the same if my boys didn't leave a lasting impression on the girls. This trip they perfected the use of the word, "DUDE!" We, on the other hand, will never hear the song "The Boys 'Round Here" the same. These two had their own version that went something like "Chew Bucket, Chew Bucket, Chew Bucket, Spit."

With the other side of the family, we ate our weight in fried venison for dinner, drank Big Red soda like it was water, and took the kids for a ride on the John Deer tractor. There's just not another way to do a holiday in East Texas.

The boys were content to sit back and enjoy the Texas countryside....until they decided trees would make excellent hiding spots and hiding spots mean enemy attacks and enemy attacks mean battles with the Russians. One broken gun later the Russians retreated and the boys were back to hanging out on the hay bales.

We recognize that too few military families are afforded the opportunity to spend the holiday with their families. We are lucky to live only a day's drive from "home" and blessed to have family that always welcomes our visits. For this we are thankful.

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