Sunday, November 17, 2013


Evan got the Rainbow Loom for his birthday. I didn't really know how I should react when Evan told me he wanted a loom and an assortment of rubber bands. Never mind the request is a bit girly and every bit crafty. It included an assortment of 300 RUBBER BANDS!

Evan asks for very little, though, so when he asked for a $25 box of RUBBER BANDS for his birthday, I was happy to oblige, if not a bit perplexed. As it turns out, the joke's on me.

He has since started a business venture where he uses the Rainbow Loom to make and sell rubber band bracelets to kids at school. Every day he packs his back pack with his morning snack, his agenda, his homework, and his Rainbow Loom. Before and after school, you can find him in the cafeteria hawking his goods. In the evenings after he does his homework and after he has taken a shower, he sits at the kitchen counter making bracelets to hopefully sell the following day. This week the business had grown so much we suggested he use his football notebook, the one he uses to keep track of weekly stats and predictions, to make a spreadsheet of sorts to outline his profits and his expenses. He told us he wasn't interested in all that because he could figure out how much money he had earned by counting the one dollar bills in the drawer of his bedside table. In other words, the football notebook is still considered too sacred to be used to record anything but football. To be honest, I was relieved to hear this because the talk of producing bracelets to match various outfits had me worried that he had taken it all a bit too far. 

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