Tuesday, May 22, 2012

End of the Year Awards Assembly Part Deux

This is the end of year assembly that just keeps on giving. So many awards! And it all seems that much longer when you have a sick kid sitting by your side, and every minute you have to say, "Cover your mouth when you cough." or "Are you going to throw up?"

Evan didn't think I would be able to make it today with Keagan so sick, but Keagan felt it was important that I snag a picture. (He is always that thoughtful; even when he is sick.) It was all worth the guilt over the possible spreading of germs, though, when I saw Evan's face light up when I stood up to snag that first picture of him.

We arrived half an hour late in the hopes that it wouldn't be so painful for Keagan, so I am not really sure which awards Evan was given besides the top AR point earner. He left with a stack of certificates so I assume it was a good day for him. I was so worried about missing pictures and such an important milestone, but I later learned two people were in the audience that realized I was MIA and decided to take pictures for Wes (and me).  As nice of a gesture as it was to think of us, I couldn't bear the thought of not being there.

Evan and his reading teacher, Mrs. Brennan. He loved her organized, no non-sense style of teaching. He  is his mother's son, after all. He also loved that she was a soccer fan. She is English and never had a student who could give stats on Manchester United's season. She was endeared to him once she learned he could name the first team's roster.

Evan and his math teacher, Mrs. Sanker. She eventually learned to love Evan and his high level of competitiveness. His desire to win was a serious concern of hers about mid-year. She had never seen a kid take kick ball and multiplication facts games so seriously. She wrote a wonderful note to me thanking me for giving her the opportunity to teach Evan. Maybe she wrote it to everyone, but it meant the world to me.

Another very proud mommy day.

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