Friday, May 4, 2012

Don't Underestimate a Girl in a Skirt

Dear Lawn and Garden Center Pro,

I am so sorry about your loss. I know you saw me in my double tiered skirt and my ruffled WHITE shirt and thought you had won when I asked for 15 bags of Preen's cocoa brown mulch. I saw that knowing look you exchanged with the guy who pushed my lumber cart overflowing with mulch to the parking lot. You thought you had me pegged. Pegged as the totally unprepared female at the home improvement store who planned to place 15 bags of dripping wet dirt into the cargo compartment of my carpeted SUV.

Admit it. It was right then that you bet and bet big.  I heard the exasperated sigh when you asked, "M'am would you like some plastic?", and I responded with, "Why in the world would I need plastic?" I saw the smirk you gave your co-worker. Did you double your bet then?

I think you did because I saw the disappointment on your face, and I saw the guy smile big when I pointed to the extended bed truck and reply, "I'm driving the red Chevy truck." You tried to laugh off your big loss with something similar to, "Oh, you'd be surprised..."

Who did you take me for? You would have lost again if you thought I didn't plan to unload every last bag, carry them to the back of the house, and spread them all myself. Here's your lesson. Don't underestimate a girl in a skirt.

Yours truly,
I Can Do It All

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