Saturday, October 22, 2011


Apparently I am the only Marne mom that didn't know it was a requirement to teach your kids to roller skate while stationed at Stewart. Although I was a regular at the skating rink in good 'ole Mount Pleasant, I don't think roller rinks even existed in Northern Virginia. We celebrated the end of the football season, though, at the post's skating rink, and no one could believe that the QB who scored all but two of the season's touchdowns had never been roller skating before and spent the majority of the night on his backside. The same could be said about "The Punisher". After one go around, he decided skating just wasn't his thing, and he spent a good half hour in a chair laughing at his big brother as he fell legs sprawled like a newborn colt.

Needless to say, we felt under-prepared when the other players walked in with their own personal pair of skates while we wore the disinfectant sprayed skates from the rental window.

With trophies, pizza, cake, and a pinata full of candy, though, we quickly left the new found skill of skating behind.

It's tough celebrating a 2-10 season, but we sure did. Someone has a really big decision to make next fall: U12 select soccer or football. I think Thursday night's game ending TD might have influenced his decision. 

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