Sunday, September 25, 2011

That's What He Said

We spent the early hours of Friday in the ER with Wes. He was diagnosed with kidney stones, but he was in so much pain that I thought he was dying. I think the boys must have, too. After three hours, we left Wes in the triage room high on percoset, and the boys and I came home to catch a couple of hours of sleep. The three of us planned to sleep in my bed until Wes was discharged and we had to return to the hospital, but there was an argument over who would sleep on Wes's side of the bed. When I tried to intervene, Keagan looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Mama, I don't want to sleep on Daddy's side and catch the stones."

Evan and I have been reading a great book about a boy who was born blind. The book does a wonderful job of describing how the boy uses his other senses to compensate for his lack of sight. It is a really beautiful book, and when we got to the last page, I was just overwhelmed by its perfection. I couldn't wait to hear Evan's take on it. That's when he looks at me and says, "Why didn't the boy call Lasik Eye Center and have laser surgery?"

This morning we left church, and I mentioned to Evan that one of his friends had his picture in the local newspaper. I told him he was featured because he caught a large fish, and Evan responded, "That's weird. Why would you put that in the newspaper?" Keagan piped in, "That's the Georgia way. That's what they do around about the size of their fish."

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