Saturday, September 10, 2011

Surfing with the Dolphins

A day in the city does me good, but I love Savannah like no other American city.  I left yesterday wishing we could stay forever. For several months, I have wanted to take a boat out on the river and go dolphin watching. We did that yesterday, and I think it was probably the best thing that we have done since we have been here. 

We found a pod of dolphins right off Tybee that were busy playing, and we found them just as they decided to breech and perform tricks. The guide told us that in thirty years he had never seen the dolphins do that. The boys were so excited; Evan clapped and whistled with each jump. It was amazing - like Sea World meets the natural world. After idling in the water watching the dolphins, the guide turned up the engines so that we could see the dolphins surf with the waves from the boat.

Another perk of the trip, Evan got to hold the tooth from a megladon. Scientists studying artifacts and fossils dredged from the bottom of the Savannah River believe that this tooth came from a pre-historic shark that was 50 feet long.

We all returned to the dock promising that the proceeds from Wes's first military retirement check will go towards our own boat. The next six years cannot go by fast enough with that goal in mind.

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