Sunday, September 11, 2011

And the Army Goes Rolling Along

It has been fourteen years, and I still don't know the Army song. Every time I hear it, though, it makes me smile, and I promise to go home and learn the words - all of the words beyond the catchy phrase "the Army keeps rolling along." Today was no different.

Wes gave up command this afternoon, and we participated in the change in command ceremony. Only six months on the job, but the Army keeps rolling along and new assignments are always on the horizon.

Wes's next assignment is a tour in Iraq. He leaves for training in just a few short weeks. We don't know any specifics because technically all US troops are supposed to withdraw from Iraq at the end of the year. However, the rumor is Iraq will ask for an extension and some troops will remain after the DEC 31 deadline.

I find it slightly ironic that Wes gives up command and prepares for his next assignment on the 9/11 anniversary. I can't even believe that it has been ten years since I was wrapping up my day at school in Germany (six hour time difference), and Wes called to tell me the news. It's even harder to believe that ten years later, it is still necessary to send soldiers and marines away to fight a war that was supposed to be so easy to win.

But the Army keeps rolling along. And so do we.

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