Friday, July 22, 2011

We Almost Melted

The Farragh family vacation continued yesterday with a stop at one of the local forts. We were all looking longingly at the boats speeding up and down the Savannah River. I bet the ride in the boat was much more enjoyable than our walk in the 110 degree sun.
It was so hot the bugs decided to stay away. I guess that was a good thing, but with sweat running off of my elbows, the lack of bugs was never really acknowledged or celebrated. I did get a picture with all four grandkids looking at the camera, though. That was celebrated with lunch at Five Guys and some much needed AC.
We then visited a small aquarium on one of the local islands.
It was here, at the touch tank, that Mallory learned gentle means don't stick your finger into the shell of the crab to try to retrieve it. Poor crab.

Today the family returned to Texas, and it was especially hard to say good-bye to this little dear. Isn't Caroline just the cutest thing?

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