Thursday, July 14, 2011

Gatorade Stains

We have jumped on the women's soccer band wagon and have been glued to the TV watching the games. This past week we arranged our entire schedule for the day (ie: the time we hit the pool) around game time. We were pretty well near panicked, though, when we turned on the TV at 11:30, and discovered we had no cable service. You know. I don't watch much tv, but when I pay $130 a month for cable, I expect to be able to actually use it. With no tv and no internet service, we left the house and headed for the pool.

Luckily for the people at our local Comcast office, the cable service decided to work again at 5:59, and we were able to watch the 6:00 rebroadcast. My rants about living in this God forsaken town, in the middle of no where Georgia, were temporarily put on hold, and the boys and I settled on the couch to watch the game. Sometime in the middle of the second half, the camera gave us a close up of a throw in from one of the players on the field. She was wearing her white US jersey, but she was wearing a hot pink sports bra under the jersey. Evan clearly noticed it, and he looked over at me, and said, "She really made a mess of her red Gatorade! It's all over the front of her shirt."

This led to a conversation about girls, sports, and various articles of clothing. Evan summarized the fashion faux paus perfectly when he said, "It would have been a better choice for her to wear a white one instead of bright pink." This fashion advice, although sound and true, came from my dear little one who regularly leaves the house with shoes that don't match and/or no underwear.

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