Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guest Starring Evan as Ferb

Evan auditioned and won a role in TCE's 2nd grade musical, "Phinneas and Ferb." Although he originally auditioned for Phineas, Evan won the part of Ferb, the quiet, intelligent, focused, laconic, and opinionated wise guy. In other words, one could make the point that he is playing himself. It is truly a blessing that he is Ferb instead of Phineas because he now has very few lines to memorize. After preparing for auditions this last week, I really wanted to tell Evan to be content with a place in the choir.

Then I passed the arduous responsibility of nightly line rehearsal to Wes. It wasn't long after this I decided he needed a leading role.

I just realized that this probably means we are now responsible for a costume. My fingers still haven't recovered from the hot glue required for the costume for the David and Goliath production, AND I have no idea how you elognate a child's neck.

I am back to thinking choir member might be the more appropriate placement.

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