Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dozens of Cans of Deodorant

I thought our last weekend together as a family should be spent doing something fun in the city, but today's heat index of 106 erased any desire for that. After two hours in the sun at the morning football game, there was no way I wanted to be outside for even a second.

So our last weekend at home together was spent playing football, purchasing cream slushies at Sonic, sitting around the TV watching college football and eating hamburgers cooked on the grill.

I know it sounds like major excitement and you might be jealous of our fun. Let me compound that jealousy by adding that we have also spent the day doing laundry and loading a foot locker with enough toiletries to last a minimum of fifteen months. If we weren't living in a military town where the purchase of a dozen cans of deodorant, six tubes of toothpaste and ten cans of shaving cream just prior to a deployment is commonplace, then we might have raised a few eyebrows.

Because I know Wes will need proof when he gets to desert training and begins to promote the athletic abilities of his sons while sitting around cots in a tent, I upload the following video. Never mind that the possibility of having power is remote and the chance that the director of training will allow any form of technology is even more remote.

When his soldiers ask about all that shrieking and cheering taking place in the background, Wes is prepared to say that she is a complete stranger.

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