Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gator Soccer

Gator soccer and the fall season is in full swing. After our terrible losses at Jekyll this summer, I really thought that it would be a miracle if we scored a point this fall, much less win a game. This week, certain we would be up against some stiff competition, I set my collapsible chair, Keagan's myriad of Super Hero Squad figurines, and our twelve bottles of water away from any other Gator family members just in case I lost control and began ranting on the sidelines. However, Sunday's game was an easy win with a score of 9-1 and a victory for us. I guess it could have been even worse for the Mighty FireAnts if we hadn't played keep-a-way the entire second half. Poor guys. If they hadn't needed to expend so much energy keeping their Jewish hats secured to their heads, then they might have been a bit more focused on the ball. But as it stood, the skull caps fell off with every hard run or big kick. It was all a bit distracting for me, but left me thinking: Don't you wear bobbie pins? The Jewish parents were probably just as perplexed with our before and after game cheers of "Praise the Lord." Something I still find a bit odd to hear while on the soccer field.

Evan played defense the entire game. He has preferred this to forward even when we were still in Virginia, but this fall he has secured a spot in the backfield. Lately, he has had this burning desire to play goalie. I will be honest and tell you he is really not that good as a goalie. I have even tried to tell Evan this, but he doesn't believe me and tells me I "need to understand soccer to understand how good he is." This week coach agreed to let him play only because we were up by six points and the FireAnts hadn't gotten the ball past the mid-field line the entire first quarter. And wouldn't you know the FireAnts were awarded a penalty kick while Evan was in the box. I thought I would faint awaiting that big kick. I closed my eyes, put my hands over my face, and at the last minute decided to peek through my fingers - just in time to see the ball go wide. It wasn't even close. Thank the Good Lord because the goal is big and Evan is not.

We do it all over again next weekend. Just maybe without the Jewish hats and Evan as goalie.

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