Thursday, February 18, 2010

Years of Friends

Phone calls, emails, texts (one very special text!!!), and facebook messages were all sent my way today to wish me a happy birthday. When my good friend at work asked my age today, I had to do the math.
Again. Really.
Why can't I remember my age? My seven year old can recite all of the family members' ages, but I have to go through the steps of calculating my age like I am reading an elementary school word problem.

My thinking goes something like this: "Now what year is it? 2009? No, no. 2010. Let's see...I was born in what year? Subtract the two and you get...?"

And every year I conclude that I must be wrong because I can't possibly be that old.

Today I was struck with the variety of people who sent me well wishes. The friends I met in Germany, my college roommate, my cousins who I haven't seen in years, previous students now living it up in college, our tagesmutter from Germany, sorority sisters from college, the friends I have met while here in Virginia, co-workers from Ansbach and Beville, my best friends that I have known since pre-school...

I am amazed at where life has taken me and all of the wonderful people I have had the pleasure of knowing. Thanks for the well wishes!

Now I am off to check my math because I am certain that I can't be that close to 40 already!

And the picture doesn't match the blog post. I know this. But with Evan smiling and Keagan looking at the camera, this was a birthday gift in and of itself.

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