Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blizzard Part 2

Who would have thought that we would be getting this much snow in Virginia, but here we are hunkering down for blizzard number two of the winter. With another twenty inches on its way, I feel compelled to prepare in some way. So this is what I did.

1. I vacuumed. If I am going to be stuck at home for three days, then I must have carpet with ever so slight vacuum tracks so that I feel like I did something productive while I spend countless hours on-line searching real estate websites and making my wish list at And I am addicted to my Dyson. I never knew that my house was so dirty! I mean, in the past week I have vacuumed the house four times, and today I emptied the bagless canister with clumps of stuff thick enough to stuff pillows. I am so captivated by the suction on this thing that I have the desire to vacuum almost daily just so I can prove how valuable a purchase I made.

2. I rented movies. And because it has easily been two years since I stepped into a Blockbuster, I almost forgot how to rent a movie. In fact, I checked out with the empty display cases, and Almadad, the cashier, had to kindly explain the process for finding the cases that actually hold the movies. We came home fully expecting a snow day tomorrow, and in order to keep the peace, I put Up! in the disk player and pushed play. I was instantly hooked. What a great movie! So it hasn't even dropped a flake yet, and we have seen the movie of choice.

3. I bought books. It is 8:30 and I just opened a Dr. Pepper fully expecting the caffeine to pulse through my veins so that I can stay awake past 9:00 to read Nefertiti, the story of an Egyptian Queen. I think it is working.

4. I bought powdered sugar and crisco. If there is a downside to all of this snow, then it is all the time I have had to bake. In the past month, we have had fudge, cookies, and brownies galore, but that won't stop me from making a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting tomorrow. It will be wonderful until I feel that roll of fat on my belly growing larger!

So here's to another storm!

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