Sunday, February 14, 2010


Our afternoon in Savannah today was perfect. We wanted to find for ourselves what everyone else says is so beautiful. 

Live oak trees hundreds of years old and the moss hanging from the branches.

Shaded city blocks that will have rose bushes and azaleas in full bloom in just a few weeks.

Beautiful architecture where every building has a story. 

Perfect back drop for an afternoon with the family until...

Some punk three year old walked up to Keagan at an intersection, called him a jerk for seemingly no reason, and then spit on him! Keagan calmly looked at him and quietly walked away. I was so proud of him because anyone who knows Keagan knows that his temper would not normally allow such a reaction. From that moment until the distraction of a meal, Keagan talked of nothing but what he should have done instead of walking away.

We explored numerous reactions including name calling, a boxing dual, and a knuckle sandwich. All harmless threats, but the charm of Savannah will be slightly tainted for all of us.

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