Sunday, August 25, 2024

August Sister Date

It’s August and time for another sister date. This month we met half-way in Nash to, you guessed it,  see another comedian. This show was originally booked last year as a gift for Vikki’s birthday this year in June, but for various reasons it was rescheduled to this weekend. We have both highly anticipated the night for months. 

Vikki greeted me with, not hello but, “You look fine.” Clearly she was worried who or what would meet her in the city.  I might have looked fine, but I still scratched my sumac rash like a meth user. 

Here’s my hot take. Theo Vonn and Nate Betgatze were both ten times better than this show. I think I laughed the most at his entrance poking fun at Morgan Wallen, but not at any of his jokes. It was a big disappointment.

Next month we are meeting in Knox to see Morgan Wallen. I can’t wait because there’s no way that concert could ever be a disappointment - unless he just doesn't show (again). 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Check in Move in

Keagan moved in to his campus apartment on Sunday. Today he officially checked back into school. Next week he begins classes. I pray we don’t have an ER visit this semester because we are currently 2/2. I pray the collagen he’s taking works miracles for those knees. I pray the kid who hates school finds some joy in the classes he’s taking this semester. I pray we win games because this new conference is going to be tough. 

Roommate - Jay

Wise Room 202 Suite mates - Max, Andre, Connor, and Jay

Have a great semester! Love you big, K! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Happy Birthday

My baby boy is 20 today! Not 20 days.

Not 20 months.

20 years! How did this happen?

We celebrated with a steak dinner and coconut cake. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Art and Crafts

My friend Tina and I attended an art class Saturday night in Nash in the up and coming neighborhood of Wedgewood-Houston. Oh to be 25 again! I told Evan if I can’t live here, I think you should. I loved it! And honestly dinner in the renovated train depot downtown and the super cool venue for the class were the highlights of the evening. 

We made lamps. Yes, lamps. Mine is the most expensive lamp to make its way to Goodwill. 

We started by choosing design preferences and then glass tiles. I choose a design, but the tiles necessary to make it weren’t available. 

So I had to start from ground zero and redesign. It was already 7:30 and I was ready for bed. The teacher was a bit quirky and I was quickly losing interest in a state of the art 1970s design lamp. 

So I took this blank canvas and went to town making and gluing glass tiled flowers.

I rolled it in crushed crystals, got reprimanded for not following directions, and then was asked to join a group of classmates to make a light show with my lamp. WTH! I left with the lamp, crushed crystals on my clothes, and craft glue all over my fingers. Oh but the memories! We will laugh about this one day; much like we do with the glass blowing class we took five years ago. Tina and I have had some adventures, but this one won’t be repeated.

My lamp might not look good but at least I do. An hour later the first blister from the poison sumac I encountered 24 hours prior made its way to the surface of my skin. While I care not to relive the lamp class, my skin wishes it could. 

Here’s to more memories with Tina and to hiring landscapers to weed the flowerbeds. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

The First Day of Year 28

Year number 28 starts today. 28! I feel like I just graduated college. How can I have been in the workforce for 28 years? 

I work with the best team!