Saturday, May 13, 2023

Senior Prom

Today it was confirmed why God saw fit that I have boys. Tears. Boob tape. Midol. High heels. Nail appointment. Hair crisis. Spray tans. More tears. I couldn’t take it. I don’t drink, but I’m considering opening that bottle of three year old whiskey to help me forget everything I just experienced with a dozen girls trying to take pics of their good sides.

My biggest problem with my boy was choosing a suit color: navy or charcoal? And let me tell you! Buying a custom suit was the very best decision! It fits him like a glove.

Take note of the brown shoes. They are two toned leather and beautiful. I probably find them more beautiful than most because I saw the price tag, but try to see the beauty if you can’t already.

My favorite pic because the smiles are so natural and they both look so happy. 

A few of the boys are missing to play in the baseball regional tournament. The rain delay pushed their game time back four hours!

We were to take pics at a barn, but the rain put a squash on that real fast. The open farm land was nice, though. 

The kids are headed to Nashville for dinner, and then the party bus will take them to Kentucky to the prom venue. 

It took us five tries, but we got the $7.99 tie from Amazon tied! 

I’m at home alone in my pjs welcoming the peace and quiet so I can nap before I head to the school at 9:00 for the biggest party of the year - After Prom. 

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