Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Senior Award Night

Tonight we had the semi-final game for the district tournament and senior award night. Maycember is worse than December; we have something to do every weekend and weeknight - so much do it is now overlapping. 

Keagan and Tristan

Before the game, Ethan told Keagan that this could be their last game to play together. He said, “Don’t make it our last.” Woah! Talk about pressure. Keagan’s first twenty minutes on the field were rough; he made several mental errors. But he recovered and played a great second half.

After our 1-0 win, Keagan ran across the parking lot and caught the counselor as she was packing away the no-show awards. He learned he won the Distinguished Athlete Award for showing leadership on the field, and he was awarded the Volunteer Service pin for his numerous volunteer hours with the Feed the People breakfast program. He’s got his uniform on and his backpack on his back, smelling like he needs a shower, and looking like he just played one heck of a game. 

He’s such a good person! Truly! I’m in the stands saying bad words, and he’s being recognized for poise.  I don’t deserve him, but somehow God granted me the wonderful job of being his mama.

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