Monday, February 13, 2023

Officially a College Athlete

He did it! Today Keagan signed his letter of intent to play soccer in college. He’s chasing a dream he’s had as long as I can remember. This is so surreal because we have prayed, and hoped, and dreamed this for so many years. And now it is no longer a dream but a reality.

The outpouring of support and congratulations from friends, family, and co-workers is overwhelming. We appreciate so many people sending their congrats! I only wish we could have each of his coaches - even the male coach he had when he was 3 that wore make-up - in a room together to publically thank. 

The best part of the deal - well, one of the best parts of the deal? He will be close to home, and I will get to watch all of the home games! I can’t wait to wear purple and cheer for the Trojans next fall! 

1 comment:

  1. Your Nonnie and Grandaddy are so very proud of you. Well deserved Keagan. Love you.
