Saturday, February 11, 2023

Birthday Bash

Today my sweet grandmother is 97 years old. 97! She’s experienced so much in her life time that it often boggles my mind; she could teach a class on American history in the 20th century. 

She may be a bit slow to move, but she’s still a pistol - quick witted and full of stories. She loves her family and she’s so proud of these four great grands. 

We celebrated Wes’s birthday today listening to live music at a venue in Nashville. 

I don’t have any people pictures, but make note that the almost fifty crowd celebrates milestones at the brunch hours instead of the evening hours. 

Next weekend we are celebrating my birthday; two weekends in a row we will be in the city celebrating. The almost fifty crowd is living on the wild side all month long. You better believe we will hit the town, once again, during brunch hours. 

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