Saturday, August 13, 2022

Year Two

We moved Evan into his room today. We learned many lessons from last year’s move. Namely, he doesn’t need it and he won’t use it, so today we were in the room and out of the room in an hour. 

He’s living in the AGR house this year. I could detect smells / odors upon entering the building, but my brain can still not identify them. So it didn’t smell bad or good - to me anyway. Wes could smell it and he decided sitting outside in near 100 degree temps was better than sitting in the semi- air conditioned dorm. What I could clearly detect was a dirty room. I tried to sweep the floor with a broom that had probably been in that house for twenty years. It didn’t push one thing out of that room. I tried to convince Evan to clean the air vents with the vacuum that the neighbor was using, but I’m almost certain that won’t happen. So I plugged in that air purifier and turned it to high. And I really wanted to mop the floor, but I wasn’t sure how old or dirty the water was in the bucket sitting in the hallway. So I left him living in filth. 

And he was so happy to be there - happier than being in his clean room at home with dependable AC, clean floors, a private bath, and purified air. 

He has more than a week before classes begin, but I’m certain he will find ways to fill his time. Like hanging out with Smokey. 

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