Monday, August 8, 2022

Last First Day

Today was Keagan’s LAST first day; he’s never been this happy to go back to school. He’s a SENIOR! (Seniors wear all black, hence, the choice in first day clothes.) However, he told me, “Don’t worry. I’ll be hating it again by Friday.” He’s taking two college classes this year and serving as a peer mentor for special needs kids. 

I look at his first day of kinder pics and remember crying after I put him on the bus in Georgia with his “soldier hair.”

There were no tears today - not because of Keagan starting his senior year anyway. I may have cried knowing I had to wear this shirt on my first day. 

I came home and Wes said, “Did you wear that all day?” Then Evan said, “What’s up with the fit?” Ummmmm. I am an elementary school teacher, People. 

I’m praying for a Covid free year, two healthy knees, four points on the math section of the ACT, an athletic scholarship, and a year of wonderful memories! 

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