Sunday, August 21, 2022

Happy 18th!

Today my baby boy turns 18! If you are lucky enough to be a part of his inner circle, you know this kid has a true heart for others - especially those with special needs. He is serving as a peer mentor this year working with students with disabilities. He befriends the friendless and truly has a heart of gold. 

He is also one of the funniest people I know. I accidentally bought candles that sparkle and relight. I put 18 of those bad boys on his cake and when he tried to blow them out, sparks flew and the candles continued to burn. We could not get those things out and sparks were flying across the cake, into my face, and across the kitchen. Keagan says, “Opa, use your expertise with electricity to help me out.”

He loves fruit smoothies, carbs. all things coconut, fresh pineapple juice, and jalapeƱo chips. I made him a three tiered tray filled with all of his favorites. 

Today the extended family was here to help him celebrate. Wes cooked ribs, we had cake, and we celebrated all of the unique pieces that make Keagan so special and so loved.

Happy birthday, Sweet Boy! I can’t wait to see where this next year takes you!

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