Monday, March 14, 2022

Spring Time in Paris

What a difference two days can make! The snow has melted, the daffodils are all in bloom, and the temperature feels more like it’s spring time. It’s perfect weather for watching soccer! The fam is in middle Tennessee house hunting, and they met us in Paris for Keagan’s high school soccer game. 

They experienced their first red card, saw yellow cards passed out like candy, and cheered along with us when we walked away with the 3-2 win.

The good news (for me any way - they might think differently) is this won’t be the last game they get to see. 

After living in different states for more than 25 years, we are all going to be together in The Volunteer State. I can’t wait for Saturday morning brunches in Nashville, listening to live music at all of the venues, and lazy weekends sitting pool side with these guys.

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